Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Janet Napolitano

I have been watching the Obama cabinet appointments with a certain amount of amusement. We have a president elect who won by promising "change," and now we see him filling up his cabinet with Washington insiders and former Clinton people. Hardly seems like change, but then again, I did not really expect to see any bold changes out of someone who votes in lockstep with his party more than anyone else in the Democrat party. I say that I was watching the appointments with amusement, that is up until the appointment of one Janet Napolitano as the secretary of Homeland Security.

This is probably not a good choice for this position. This department is supposed to be in charge of protecting our borders. This woman, as governor of Arizona, cut off all funding for the Maricopa County sheriff's (Sheriff Joe Arpaio, if you do not know who he is, search him on Google. He is the best sheriff in the country.) illegal immigration enforcement. She clearly has no interest in protecting our borders. So, why would Obama appoint her? It just does not make sense.

Or maybe it does make sense. Maybe he is setting the tone that he does not care about protecting our borders. Maybe for the next four to eight years we will have an open door policy to anyone who wants to come here whether they want to help or harm American society. I have no problem with immigration, I just want only people looking to contribute to society to come here. People who want to work should be welcomed with open arms. People who want to leech off our welfare system, government education system, commit crimes or acts of terrorism need not apply.

Obama has shown that he does not care who enters this country with one political move. Appointing Napolitano is a strong statement of what he thinks about the sovereignty of this nation.

On an unrelated note, this is a good proposal of an alternative to the government bailout: