Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Obamacare Message is Failing

The numbers are slipping, most people do not support President Obama's health care overhaul. This is because the longer it is debated, the more people do not like what they see in it. So, instead of changing the plan to something more suitable, what do they do? They change their message over and over. Instead of changing their shoddy product, they change the packaging. Look for the next incarnation of the Obamacare pitch to play up the emotional side of the argument. We will hear about the poor people who cannot afford health insurance, we will hear about our moral obligation to make sure everyone has health care, and do not be surprised to hear a few new focus group words too.

Rather than change what is bad in the bill, they will just keep trying different sales pitches until one works. Tying healthcare to the economy did not work, demonizing doctors did not work, demonizing insurance companies did not work, so now, they will try to find a new strategy. Do not be fooled by their new approach. Make sure this thing does not pass in its current form. They should scrap the whole thing and start over, rather than change the sales pitch. Someone should tell the Democrats that it is the bill that stinks, not the sales pitch.

On Cash for Clunkers

In a previous post, I made the claim that "Cash for Clunkers" would not go anywhere. What I did not take into account was the Government's complete ineptness at trying to run anything. So, now they have scrapped the program. They were going to have to do it because car dealers were starting to withdraw from the program. The reason: they were not getting their money. And people think the government can run health care.

I will say this, we have not seen the end of "Clunkers," it will reappear, though not in its current form or by the same name. These people are addicted to using your money to force their desired result out of other people. We will see some other kind of taxpayer-subsidized program to redistribute your tax dollars to people who buy more fuel efficient cars.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Come quietly to the camp, comrade...

Our government is now asking us to turn our friends and neighbors in for spreading "disinformation" about Obamacare. They have not said what they will do with this information, but this plea was posted in response to a video showing President Obama (then Senator Obama) saying that he is a proponent of a single-payer system of health care, and that it will take fifteen or twenty years to get to single-payer. The video also showed Barney Frank trying to say the same thing. This is a gestapo-like attempt to silence critics of Obama's health care takeover. Now, if you write something, or say something in "casual conversation" that Obama deems "disinformation," someone may report you.

He says that you will be able to keep your health insurance if you like it, but this will eventually go away if there is a "public option" in the final plan. He says that it will be competition for the insurance companies, and if they are so good, they can handle a little competition. They can, but not from an entity, such as the government, that is able to operate at a loss for years and years. If the government runs out of money, they can use the power of force to seize more. Private businesses cannot do that, so the playing field is slanted towards the government. A "public option" will lead to complete government control of healthcare.

I am not even going to get into the horrors of government-controlled-anything in this post, but just suffice it to say that quality of healthcare will drop drastically if you put government in control of it. They cannot even properly run a simple car trade in program.

They think they will be able to silence their critics with tactics like this, but they will not be able to silence everyone... I, however, am anxiously awaiting my "re-education."

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cash for Clunkers Is Not Going Anywhere

Am I the only one who is starting to think that "Cash for Clunkers, " if the spending increase passes the Senate, will never go away? This is a wildly popular program. So popular, in fact, that it burned through a billion dollars in a week. If this thing is not killed now, it will become a new vote buying scheme for politicians. It was supposed to end when funding ran out, or November something-or-other whichever came first. Now, they are rushing to add another $2 billion to it. No government precedent goes unexploited, and this program will be no different. I have serious doubts that the politicians will ever let it die. This program is now another income redistribution program, and it will be with us for the forseeable future. It is just another thing the government will have its hands in, now and forever.