Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This is what we have to look forward to...

Over 3,000 veterans at a VA hospital were exposed to HIV.  Keep demanding your government run health care, people.  This is what we have to look forward to when all hospital employees, including doctors are government employees.  When is the last time you recieved good service at a government agency?  If you are like most Americans, probably never.  Do we really want to put our health in the hands of bureaucrats?  Our current system is not perfect, but it is much better run than, for instance, the DMV.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Atlas is shrugging...

John Galt is here. He is destroying business and investment in this country, just like in Atlas Shrugged. In Ayn Rand's novel, John Galt was a man who worked as a destroyer to fight the policies of an increasingly overreaching government bent on destroying the free market and punishing achievement. In this case, he is not a lone man. He is the higher income earner who does not want to subsidize people who do not pay their mortgage or cannot provide for themselves. He is the business owner who is cutting his earnings to make less than $250,000 per year. He is the investor refusing to invest. This is a good article about him.

President Obama does not believe in the free market, he does not believe in achievement. He believes in punishing achievement and rewarding failure. By putting his Marxist policies into action, he is doing the same thing the looters were doing in Atlas Shrugged. People are trying to figure out how to make less than $250,000 per year so they do not have to pay more taxes under the proposed legislation. Investors are not investing. Look at how the stock market has been tanking. This is not President Bush's fault, it has actually accelerated under Obama. The people who drive the motor of the world have no faith in this man.

Obama does not intend for this to happen, but it is happening, through the law of unintended consequences. Most of us with a brain, knew this would be what our future had in store for us once Obama took power, but for some reason, this president, who is supposed to be so intelligent, is too stupid to see it. What does he really think will happen when you punish achievement? His policies are already starting to backfire. Small businesses are cutting productivity to avoid the tax hikes, and cutting productivity is never a good thing. When productivity thrives, so does the economy. It is a lose-lose situation to cut productivity, but they are doing it for a higher purpose. They are doing it based on principle.

Or maybe there's something more nefarious at work. Maybe he wants business to fail and the market to tank, or if not him, the socialist puppeteers who are pulling the strings behind the scenes (maybe his heart is in the right place and he is just being used, but somehow I doubt it.). Why would they want this? Simple, so they can say that the free market does not work (even though it has worked for over 200 years) and instate their socialist agenda. If they get everyone dependent on government to survive, think of all the Democrat voters this will create. Not to mention the power aspects of having total control over people's lives. Democrats love to have more people depend on government, because these people typically do not vote Republican or Libertarian.

Obama's government is a perfect representation of the government in Atlas Shrugged. There is a financial crisis, which is now aggravated by government interference, and the typical response by big government types is to respond with more government interference. Which will make things even worse. John Galt wants to put an end to this. We will no doubt experience years of hardship because of this. But, I cannot say I am opposed to it (Atlas shrugging, that is, not Obama's Marxist policies). Hopefully the American people will get the message before it is too late.