Monday, September 28, 2009

The vast, right-wing conspiracy is back

Get your foil hats out, folks, Bill Clinton has invoked the "vast, right wing conspiracy" again. Here we go again. It could not possibly be the fact that Americans are opposed to run-away spending. It cannot be the fact that Americans do not want the government taking over banks, car companies, news papers, and health care. It is merely a vast, right-wing conspiracy.

This is how they try to marginalize anyone opposed to Socialism as merely some kook, racist, right wing extremist, or paid for by special interests. These people really seem to believe that there is no genuine opposition to President Obama's fiscal irresponsibility. Or, they do not believe it, but they believe if they say the same lies enough times, loudly enough, people will believe it.

Once again, try to change the sales pitch, rather than changing their plans when faced with strong opposition. They demonize and marginalize the opposition.

I wonder if the word came from Soros on this one.

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